Archive for war

the world just keeps getting stupider…

Posted in news, politik with tags , , on April 15, 2009 by Alana

well, i was going to launch into this huge rant about north korea being completely idiotic in their attempt to start another war. but i’ll condense it into a link and a paragraph.

first the link. an extremely funny look at just how STUPID north korea really is. and i don’t mean the people, i mean their international relations and such. cracked wrote a GREAT article called 6 Reasons North Korea is the Funniest Evil Dictatorship Ever

then, my opinion. because in the grand scheme of things, my big fat opinion matters GREATLY in this world issue!! i just find it hilarious that a teeny tiny little idiotic country is going up against china, japan, the uk and the us in an arms war that they think they can win. i feel bad that the citizens have to deal with such idiotic dictators that suffer from severe delusions of grandeur. i would fear for our safety, but NK is just so insignificant, if they tried anything shady, the planet would be down one korea and up one hollowed out volcano type crater. lolz.

THEN comes this little gem, unrelated to NK.
Sewing machine hoax hits S Arabia
REALLY?! they make people this dumb?! wow. i REALLY need to make up my own hoax so i can make millions. take advantage of the idiocy while its still profitable. 😛